čtvrtek 19. března 2020

Queen of sweden rose

Exquisite little buds open to half-enclosed cups, eventually becoming wide, shallow, upward-facing cups of pleasing formality. The colour begins as soft- apricot . Queen of Sweden je nádherná a elegantní růže té nejdelikátnější růžové barvy. Poloplné až plné květy mají jemnou vůni. Listy jsou velmi odolné chorobám.

English Rose - bred by David Austin.

Charming, cup-shaped flowers with elegant, upright growth. A charming rose with soft pink, . Je to růže s neobvyklou čerstvostí a krásou. Květy začínají jako něžná malá poupátka, dále se . Guarantee on all of our Own Root Roses.

This is a very beautiful rose , the soft pale pink flowers are produced in profusion on upright stems. British rosarian David Austin has bred these exceptional varieties to combine the flower forms and fragrances of Old Roses with the repeat-blooming trait of . Starting as charming little buds, they gradually open out to form wide.

Blooms are held upward facing making it a particularly good rose for cutting for the home. The flowers are beautiful at all stages as they open to wide, shallow cups. Their color is the softest, glowing apricot-pink, later turning pure, soft pink.

Flowers are large, cupped and shell pink. These are borne in flushes through summer and . Soft glowing pink with hints of apricot buds, open out to form wide but . Buds open to half-enclosed cups and gradually become more shallow. Rosen egner sig nemlig godt til snit og er derfor perfekt til en smuk . De grosses fleurs rose dragée, belles à tous les stades, sur un arbuste érigé mais. Květy mají světle růžovou barvu s náznakem meruňkové. Z malých poupat se rozevírají do tvaru širokého, . Gardeners everywhere know rose hybridizer, David Austin, for his.

Store, fylte, rosa blomster med fin duft. Opprett, buskete vekst, ca 1m høy. Buy rose Queen of Denmark (shrub) Rosa Königin von Dänemark - Very fragrant, pink blooms: litre pot: £19.

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