Od určité výšky se začíná vlnit, proto připomíná plamen svíčky. Na pěstování není nijak náročný, ovšem v . Tvar vzpřímených stélek připomíná plamen svíčky. Obtížnost pěstování: Nízká. Nároky na osvětlení: Nízké.
Výška dospělé rostliny:.
Atlas akvarijních rostlin - Loděnka sp. Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Tight, vertical growing and light undulating shoots give . Powered by WordPress and WordPress Theme created with . I hope you found this video helpful!
Feel free to share any comments, questions or input in the comment section. Jeho výhonky rastú vertikálne a . Zajímavý nepříliš častě pěstovaný druh akvarijního mechu. Je typický tím, že po připevnění k podkladu .
Approximately 3x tied to a stainless steel mesh. Lush green and healthy moss, great for shrimp and fry tank. It probably comes from East or South-East Asia. Just got some Flame Moss today, had local pet store order it for me Saturday and it came in today.
Flame moss pad for your freshwater aquarium. The fronds start to twist as it . Buy and sell almost anything on Gumtree classifieds. Flame is a unique moss as it grows vertically upwards and twists as it grows, creating a flame -like appearance. This plant is best tied on rocks or driftwoods and . Mousse qui croit vite et de belle façon ! Utilisée en aquabonsaï, elle prend de la hauteur en cherchant lumière.
Prévoir une taille mensuelle. Need to decorate your freshwater aquarium? Rostliny do akvária Mechy Taxiphyllum sp. Please note pictures represent plant at its optimum growth form, plants supplied may vary in size and growth form to picture. We do have our own aquarium plant.
Beautiful green and strong moss. Ideal to bind wood or stone.
International Sales not applicable for all Live Stocks sold by FNM. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. Hardiness: Easy Light Needs: Low Growth Rate: Slow Can Be Grown Emersed: Yes. NOTE: If selecting 2xon ss mesh, it is freshly tied and not grown out . What do flame moss and teeny shrimp have in common?
They both do well in tiny underwater gardens. Learn more about this aquatic plant and where to buy it.
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