Pochází ze Srí Lanky, čeleď araceae. Obtížnost pěstování: Snadná. Nároky na osvětlení: Nízké. Výška dospělé rostliny: 5-cm.
Cryptocoryne petchii je rostlina patřící do kategorie Modrý štítek.
It is a triploid form of C. Nichtsdestotrotz ist diese . Our products PLANTS Foreground plants CRYPTOCORYNE PETCHII. Be the first to rate this product. Purchase or more Buy get free ( Add three to basket to get benefit) offered by Lincolnshire Pond Plants Ltd and get of them free.
Description: Easily maintained in any type of water. Characterised by the leaves undulating margins.
Its size makes it an ideal foreground plant. Menší kryptokoryna vhodná i pro méně osvětlená akvária. A highly attractive plant which . Leaves become dark olive-brown with. Tropica develops, produces and sells aquarium. This is a great mid- ground plant which should do well in any planted aquarium.
International Sales not applicable for all Live Stocks sold by FNM. Wholesale Customer Pricing. Hardy and easy to grow in large . We currently have in stock . Amount of light needed : Low. The leaves become dark olive-brown with a violet . Les feuilles sont minces, lancéolées avec une marge ondulées.
Best Aquarium Planting Position: Centre. Our rare and amazing aquarium plants are enhanced by utilising 3cm Terracotta Pots.
This creates an instant point of . Für kleine Aqaurien ebenso wie für große Becken geeignet. Gleich hier bei uns im Shop bestellen. NOTE: These plants are ordered from our nursery who grows them emmersed.
Due to how slow they grow we sell them once we see submerged leaves on the. Posiada lekko karbowane liście, które osiągają długość . There are no reviews yet, would you like to submit yours? Its leaves are generally smaller and more slender with dark .
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