úterý 23. ledna 2018

Campanula sarastro

Největší zvony na naší planetě jsou buď v jižní Asii (Barma, Čína, Japonsko) nebo v Moskvě (Rusko). The largest bells in the worl I mean real bells that soun come from southern Asia (Barma, China, Japan) or Moscow (Russia). Podrobný popis produktu Campanula hybrid Sarastro - zvonek.

Zvonek pocházející od rakouského šlechtitele Kresse. Bellflowers are among the most popular of perennials.

Campanula is a genus of about 3species of annuals, biennials and perennials from. Kultivar Sarastro má květy modrofialové s tečkami a dorůstá výšky kolem cm. Campanula punctata, česky zvonek tečkovaný, je vytrvalá bylina pocházející z. A superb bellflower hybrid between Campanula . This stunning new hybrid (between C. punctata and C. trachelium) sports narrow, pleated navy-blue buds, which open silky violet-blue, bell flowers in profusion . Na pestovanie je nenáročný, stačí mu bežná priepustná záhradná. A recent cultivar and probably a cross between native Campanula latifolia and one of the long-belled Asiatic bellflowers such as C.

V katalogu nemáme podrobnější informace o campanula sarastro. Níže naleznete zboží v internetových obchodech, které odpovídá vašemu dotazu. Kvety sú tiež vhodné k rezu.

Ako trvalka sa výborne hodí do záhonov, kde vytvára husté . The erect stems have pairs of . Clumps of downy leaves and nodding, tubular, deep . Slightly fragrant, dark purple flowers are produced from late May onwards. A very floriferous variety and much better than C. Deep shiny violet-purple buds open to huge blue pendant bell flowers. Forming a dense mound of foliage on upright stems this variety grows in most soil types . Mats of soft pale green hairy leaves with tall waving stems hung with rich deep purple bells. Fantastic new bellflower cross C. Luxurious deep green foliage tall and slowly spreading via underground rhizomes dark buds . In late spring the clumps are topped with dark purple pendant bells.

Sarastro displays fabulous long bell shaped flowers with in vivid bluish.

Posts about campanula sarastro written by barefootheart. The flowers on this Campanula are really big. It forms mounds of dark green leaves with the large very dark purple flowers sitting on upright stems. General Information: Fragrant, dark purple-blue, bell-shaped flowers. Vigorous growing but slow to spread.

Each bloom is around 5cm long. The stems are strong enough to support themselves ,so will not. Fleurs parfumées, violet foncé, en forme de cloche. Préfère un sol humide mais bien drainé.

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