čtvrtek 14. července 2016

Hydrangea paniculata pink diamond

PINK DIAMOND je atraktivní odrůdou hortenzie latnaté. Hydrangea paniculata ´ Pink Diamond ´, vel. Keřovitá hortenzie nápadná růžovými, obrovskými květy. Hortenzie latnatá ´ Pink Diamond ´. Can be trained as a small single trunk tree, but is best . Od poloviny léta nese až cm .

A distinctive form with white panicles of flowers from late summer to autumn, turning to a deep pink with a red reverse as they age. Position: Will grow happily in . The large flowerheads appear in upright, . Features A deciduous, open shrub which bears large panicles of creamy white flowers in summer, which mature to a deep pink colour in autumn. Tall, deciduous shrub with glossy, dark green leaves.

Choose from over 1varieties of hydrangea plants. Our site features full color photographs and detailed plant descriptions, as well as hints and tips for growing. A large flowered knock-out with pink buds that open white then transform to a rich pink. Broad conical blooms are by in size and August .

Popis: Opadavý keř dorůstající do výšky - m. Růst je hustý, středně rychlý. Listy jsou eliptické, tmavě zelené. Pink Diamond is a shrub which gives great floral interest from summer through to autumn.

Květy vyrůstají ve velkých latách. Buy quality shrubs online for fast UK delivery with a 2yr guarantee! Learn more about Monrovia plants. Grows 8′ high and 15′ wide.

Flowers are a double cream-pink. The glistening Pink Diamond bears huge pyramidal clusters of rose pink flowers that are held for a long time. The panicles are composed evenly of fertile and . Sun Partial Shade BlooJuly-September Zone 3. Zoeken: hydrangea paniculata pink diamond.

Bardzo ładna, długo kwitnąca odmiana dorastająca do ok. Large showy flower clusters are white in summer fading to pink. Large solid panicles bloom freely in July and August.

Best in moist soil and partial. Soyez le premier à laisser un avis sur ce produit !

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