Jedná se o opadavé keře dorůstající cca 5-na . Rostlina pochází z čeledi Caprifoliaceae – zimolezovité a rodu Weigela. Dorůstá do výšky přibližně - m. Keř roste vzpřímeně, je opadavý, má sytě zelené, . Vajgélie Red Prince jsou opadavé okrasné keře, které patří do každé i menší.
Weigela is a genus of about species of deciduous shrubs from East Asia. Obvykle kvete od pozdního jara do . Vajgélie květnatá je opadavý keř dorůstající do - m výšky i šířky. Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. U nás nakoupíte japonské rostliny, jehličnany, listnáče, magnolie a další.
Buy online from Nature Hills Nursery today! It has forest green foliage . Red Prince ” weigela shrubs ( Weigela florida “ Red Prince ”) burst into bloom in late spring and early summer, supplying deep, ruby-red blossoms on a 5-foot-tall.
Prized for its dark pink to red flowers, Red Prince weigela ( Weigela florida Red Prince ) produces showy blooms from late spring through summer. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Large, deep red , funnel shaped flowers bloom in early summer over bright green, oval leaves clinging to thick, erect branches. Upright, rounded shape, with branches arching at maturity.
Holds its flower color as it ages. Possibilité de floraison de juin à septembre. It features funnel-shaped scarlet-red flowers that. Tons of scarlet-red flowers will cover Red Prince in spring against a backdrop of green foliage, they will rebloom in fall, densely upright and oval growth habit . Easy-care shrub perfect for a background or screen in shrub or perennial borders.
The oval, slightly toothe medium-green leaves are borne on relatively upright, arching . Vajgélie jsou vděčné rostliny, bez větších nároků na pěstování. Guaranteed best value , low prices, fast delivery, special offers. Masses of rich red flowers in early June on previous seasons growth. Will reach a height of 4-ft. Red Prince Weigela has bright red flowers that will cover this shrub in June and will repeat blooming all summer long.
Read up on this plant or stop into Sunnyside Gardens in Minneapolis to talk to our experts!
Vajgélie patří plným právem k velice oblíbeným zahradním dřevinám. Gegen Ende Mai bis Anfang Juni erscheinen ihre üppigen, .
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