Pseudosasa japonica je velice efektní druh bambusu s velkými listy. C výška v dopělosti: - m. Velmi dekorativní druh tvořící hustý porost s velkými svěže zelenými, až cm . Very leafy, evergreen and easy. Grows to about metres and looks good .
Common Name: Arrow Bamboo, Yadake. Japonsko bambus s dlouholetou tradicí pěstování v Evropě. Vzpřímená stébla s elegantními listy.
Aufgrund seiner schönen großen, grünen Blätter, . C l listy velké, sytě zelené stébla tmavě zelená,. It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. The species is hermaphrodite .
Co nejsrdečněji vás vítáme na našich nových internetových stránkách. Tvorba webu České bambusy - vše o pěstování bambusů. Japanese Arrow Bamboo is perhaps the most widely cultivated bamboo in the United States. Distinctive vegetative characters include roun not notche stem, . The beautiful Arrow Bamboo, with its olive-green culms and large, deep-green, glossy. Will wander when planted in the . Plus produit : - Grandes feuilles . This plant has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Nice, fat and chunky plants . Get help with this component. Nativity: Exotic Habit: Shrub or Subshrub Grass or Grasslike. USDA PLANTS Symbol: PSJA U. A vigorous bamboo suitable for large gardens. A very robust and vigorous bamboo forming a. Availability: to order from early autumn, litre pot . However, it thrives in sunny locations when it is .
This was the first bamboo to arrive in Europe in the late 18th century. It originates from Japan, and is the . The most commonly grown bamboo in Britain, frequently persisting in old gardens and along wooded streamsides in the grounds of country houses, and now . Japanese arrow bamboo is an occasional visitor to Connecticut, where it has been found in forest edges, disturbed and cultivated areas.
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