pondělí 6. srpna 2018

Pyracantha red column

Tato stálezelená dřevina pochází z čeledi Rosaceae – růžovité a rodu Pyracantha. Barva květů, Termín kvetení, bílá, plody červené , jaro. Barva listů, Termín listnatění, zelená , stálezelená. Díky olostění, bohatým květům a spoustě nápadných plodů je hlohyně oblíbená dřevina. Nachází uplatnění v zahradách, i ve veřejné zeleni, nebo také.

Dense and spiny evergreen hedge with bunches of small white flowers in Summer and a magnificent show of round red berries in Autumn.

This is a tough dense prickly shrub that will readily train up a wall or trellis and can also . Click here to find out more. Buy quality shrubs online for fast UK delivery with a 2yr guarantee! Red Column is an outstanding shrub which makes a fantastic evergreen hedge or screen.

Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers. The seven species have white flowers and either red , orange, or yellow berries (technically pomes). The flowers are produced during late spring . Pyracantha is a dense, spiny evergreen shrub so ideal as an intruder .

This Shrub has a long season of interest pretty white flowers in summer followed by red berries in autumn. Free delivery on orders over €39. It is a reliable vigorous. Buy Now From GardenersDream!

An excellent evergreen wall plant or free standing shrub to metres with white flowers and red berries. Níže naleznete zboží v internetových . Habit: Stiffly upright, fast-growing. Note: Frost hardy, resistant to scabs. Along with being a great option as an intruder hedge, given its spikey thorns and dense evergreen coverage . A good upright form of this intruder proof hedge with glossy dark green leaves followed by red. Feuerdorn Red Column - große, leuchtend feuerrote Früchte, besonders winterharte Sorte mit buschigem Wuchs, immergrün.

Začátkem léta ozdobí keř drobné, bílé květy. Superb range of high quality plants, delivered to you with care. This evergreen plant is ideal for wall cover, it has long thorns and are ideal for keeping out intruders. It has white flowers in spring followed by red.

Large dense bushy upright evergreen shrub with glossy toothed green leaves produces masses of hawthorn like flowers in spring followed by red berries. All hedge plants are delivered in the UK by mail order and guaranteed for one year.

Buy shrubs in store and online from Craigmarloch Nurseries. Enkele maanden na de bloei hangt de struik vol met rode vruchten.

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