pátek 16. února 2018

Ceratopteris siliquosa

Zajímavosti: Rohatce se téměř vždy prodávají pod špatným jménem. Za uvedenou cenu obdržíte jeden plný košíček o průměru cm. Velikost rostlinek je jako obrázcích.

Nenáročná rostlina, nejlépe roste v na živiny bohátém substrátu. Pteridaceae (křídelnicovité). Rostlina s různotvarými listy vytvářející hustý porost.

Ceratopteris siliquosa - rohatec jemnolistý. Dostupnost:Většinou skladem. Fotografie zboží není k dipozici. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders.

International Sales not applicable for all Live Stocks sold by FNM. This plant normally grows fast, but the addition of COmay be necessary to promote growth. Acrostichum thalictroides L. Belvisia siliquosa (L.) Mirb. Water Wisteria – One of the few stem .

I put this in my tank a few weeks ago and it really grew well. Since then it has slowed down, and whilst growing new stems from the roots, the . Stock: Where to buy View in storelocator. Information about a species, including classification, sighting data and conservation status.

Fast growing and easily manage though may require pruning in well-lit tanks with COinfusion. Wasserpflanze, die auch für Anfänger gut geeignet ist. This name is an alternative combination by Copel. Search in The Plant List Search in IPNI Search in Australian Plant Name Index Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium Search in . Chcel by som sa opytat ci mate skusenosti s touto rastlinkou a ak ano neviete mi poradit . Go To Encyclopedia of Life.

Las diferencias entre ellos se encuentran en las características foliares. The leaves are all shaped differently and are light green in colour which . Go to Encyclopedia of Life. Description Not Yet Available. Common Name: Fine Leaf Indian Fern. TYPE: SRI LANKA: Without data, Hermann Herbarium 3: 4 specimen 3( holotype: BM).

Ordered the plants on Friday with day ship option.

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