středa 20. dubna 2016

Aspidistra elatior

Nejideálnějším stanovištěm pro pěstování rostliny je stinné a klidné místo. Kořenokvětka, Domácí štěstí. Everything about care, location, watering and varieties.

Angličané nazývají tuto rostlinu „železná“, což svědčí o tom, že vydrží i tam, kde by jiné květiny strádaly. Celkový habitus rostliny - kultivar ´Amanekawe´.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 7. However, it does well in my garden. Indoor plant ideal for the home or office, and very easy to keep. Given the name Cast Iron . Aspidistra - cast iron plant - Approx 40cms tall in a 15cm plastic pot.

Once establishe aspidistra are extremely tolerant of drought, salt and neglect. Deep shade, single digit temperature winters, poor soil, and extended drought .

Deutsch: Schusterpalme, Metzgerpalme, Schildblume. A clump-forming perennial with dark green foliage. Leaves are borne on long stalks and are excellent for flower arranging.

Flowers are purple and appear at . The specific epithet elatior means taller. A nice an easy to care for foliage house plant. An evergreen groundcover with broad dark green leaves all arising directly from the ground.

A great plant for very dark or . Incredibly popular with the Victorians, this aspidistra is an elegant and tolerant plant that will cope with some neglect - hence to common name of cast iron plant. This leaf plant is very strong and extremely suitable as a room plant. ASPIDISTRA elatior Variegata,Pépinière jardin de vivaces de collection à feuillages colorés: pourpres, dorés, argentés, panachés.

Castiron Plant or Aspidistra. This plant is a real symbol of a Deep South shade garden with its coarse, paper-like large leaves up to or more in height. Growing in large, leafy clumps, cast iron plant is unsurpassable for dependable, dark green foliage in very lowlight conditions (Fig.

1). Iron Plant has mostly green sword-shaped leaves that form in clumps on stalks.

Able to withstand low amounts of light, these plants are good for any corner of . As its common name suggests, Cast Iron Plant is tough. It will survive low light, infrequent watering and . Amongst all the landscape plant offerings, Cast Iron stands out as the one plant without stems or a trunk. Description from Flora of China.

Latinské slovo - aspidistra elatior. Překlad latinského slova aspidistra elatior do českého jazyka, naleznete níže. The methanol extract showed antifungal activity against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, .

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